Eyelid Rejuvenation (Blepharoplasty)
Two months after upper blepharoplasty by skin excess excision - Scars are conveniently hidden within the upper lid crease
Two months after upper blepharoplasty by skin excess excision - Upper lids are lighter, allowing better eye opening and brighter rejuvenated gaze
Two months after uppper blepharoplasty- Skin and muscle excess removed making eyes brighter, lighter and less tired
Two months after upper blepharoplasty
Three weeks after upper eyelid rejuvenation
Upper eyelid skin excess and scars 10 days after operation
Preoperative marking of excess upper lid skin requiring removal
Bruising that can be expected 3-5 days after eyelid rejuvenating surgery
I am grateful to all patients who have kindly agreed for their pictures to be used here.