Duputren’s disease
Typical Dupuytren's Nodule - usually appearing in the palm at the level of the ring finger
Early (mild) Duputren’s disease of the right ring finger
Advanced Dupuytren's disease with finger contracture and improvement that can be achieved with radical surgery and use of the skin graft
Index finger affected with thick Dupuytren's cord and straightening achieved with removal of abnormal tissue and grafting
After Dupuytren's fasciectomy + surgical release of the shortened joint ligaments affected by prolonged finger flexion
Ring finger skin graft several years after surgery
Bilateral Dupuytren's disease - after successful removal of Dupuytren cords in the right palm; patient now awaits surgery to the left hand
Collagenase injection performed in outpatients facilities
Bruising that can be expected 24-48 hours after collagenase injection
I am grateful to all patients who have kindly agreed for their pictures to be used here.