Triangular fibro-cartilage complex (TFCC)
Picture 1 - Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) coloured in red
Picture 2 - Illustration of the peripheral TFCC tear
Picture 3 - Illustration of the central tear TFCC tear
Picture 4 - Wrist area which is painful in the presence of the TFCC pathology
Picture 5 - View of the torn TFCC through the arthroscopy camera (key hole examination) of the wrist joint
Picture 6 - Wrist scar at 4 weeks after TFCC surgery
Picture 7 - Light weight, custom made splint to be worn for up to the first 4 weeks after TFCC surgery
Picture 8 - Short, reduced splint to be worn 4-8 weeks after TFCC injury/surgery
I am grateful to all patients who have kindly agreed for their pictures to be used here.