I was listed for Surgery a year after conservative management following a Martial Arts injury failed to resolve my symptoms. The symptoms that I had experienced was a feeling of instability and reduced confidence at using my wrist. These symptoms were worse when trying to complete my job as a respiratory physiotherapist, where my hand and upper limb function is key.
The experience of Miss Cerovac pre operatively was great and gave a very realistic view of surgery, and potentially its inability to resolve symptoms.
My expectations were related to increased stability and confidence in using my hand, with a potential loss of range as a consequence.
When waking from the operation to find a keyhole approach was extended to an open procedure, Initially pain was the main symptom, but still able to move which I started straight away ( with my job in mind).
First few weeks was tough, getting sleeves on and sleeping, which was uncomfortable.
When I started Hand therapy, the improvements came thick and fast, and I regained my range of movement and subsequent strength over the next 4-6 months, returning to full clinical duties on 13th August as planned. The only symptom, which is minor, is occasional lack of proprioception, but this is improving.
The overall result is 100 % improvement in my initial symptoms, with no reduction in range of movement and full return to work and sport.
I would like to pass on my thanks to Miss Cerovac and her team for the best surgical result and complete improvement to my symptoms.