Changes during Coronavirus Outbreak

Covid-19 pandemic has led to almost complete disruption of healthcare provision in the private sector over the last few weeks.

To assist patients in these difficult times, I am offering virtual and/or telephone consultations for the follow up appointments and new patients in need of urgent interventions or simply wishing to discuss potential treatment in the future.
Phone or virtual oconsultation via one of recognised platforms (Skype, Zoom, Nye etc.), allow us to stay in touch, check on your progress and discuss if and what treatment might be suitable for new patients. There is a lot to take on board during first consultations: learning about your condition, treatment options, benefits, risk and complications of possible surgery requires time and understanding and is essential in dispersing anxieties of unknown. At least, we can create a provisional treatment plan and put your mind at rest, whilst awaiting safe conditions for in-person consultation at the later stage. Stay informed, stay safe, stay at home.

If you would like to arrange virtual consultation, please contact my PA on 0845 026 7776 or via mail contact@sonjacerovac.com

Practice relocation

As from spring of this year, Sonja has relocated her practice to Dubai, UAE. After many years of responsible surgical and managerial roles in London busy hospitals, she appreciated a period of change, professional and cultural.

Leave from April 2024

I am on a professional leave from the UK from April 2024 and unable to handle patients queries. If you need any advice, please feel free to consult one of my Plastic Surgery or Orthopaedics colleagues at Parkside, Spire St Anthony’s, Ashtead or King Edward Hospitals. Details of my new overseas practice will be posted shortly.

Joint replacement surgery for thumb arthritis – practice modifications

Our department recently commenced a prospective audit on use of two component carpo-metacarpal prosthesis, in management of thumb basal joint arthrosis. Thumb osteoarthritis is a common condition and many patients are in need of surgical input in order to alleviate disability. Immediate and 6 months post surgery results presented below, are encouraging, but monitoring continues.

New modified rehabilitation regime for internally fixed metacarpal fractures

Metacarpal fractures account for 40% of all hand injuries and up to 44% of all hand fractures. While we are still collecting and processed data, preliminary results are suggesting that splint is neither needed, nor beneficial for patients who have undergone uncomplicated, rigid, internal fixation of metacarpal fractures.


All enquiries are handled

by the Practice Manager:

Rachel Gould

Tel: +44 (0) 845 026 7776

Email: contact@sonjacerovac.com

Correspondence address:

Miss Sonja Cerovac

Ashtead Hospital

The Warren

Ashtead, Surrey KT21 2SB